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Прежде не встречавшийся кросс

Unread postby maxv » 13 Dec 2024, 13:16

Восемь сокровищ Амбера
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Has there ever been a fic from Happosais POV?

Synopsis: Eight Treasures of Amber

In the beginning there is darkness. A man entombed in rock, trapped like a fly in.... ehum. It is Dworkin Barimen, the perverted (he had a whole series of children with a unicorn) dwarf that founded the royal house of Amber and changed the structure of the multiverse.

When the gaggle of murderous traitors that he calls his children and grandchildren get annoying, which means all the time, he plays insane. When they get extraordinarily annoying he takes a long vacation in shadow. Some of his grandchildren found an interesting shadow named "Earth" and since there is an infinity of shadows locating a largely similar one that they haven't visited is easy.

In the shadow he is known as "Happosai", and he spends most of the time there in useless pursuits: Some rivalries with locals who think they are the cock of the walk. For him it is a game. For them it is in earnest. Harassing everything female without hooves. A couple of flunkies, sorry, students to serve as gofers when he feels lazy, which is most of the time. That the gofers are two really bizarre faint shadow-clones of Benedict and Gerard makes it even better.

The only downside is that since he isn't a native to the shadow he doesn't naturally regenerate Ki. But some research when he first got there revealed he could absorb Ki from the possessions of locals. The stronger the feelings they associated with their possessions the more ki could be leeched. Naturally he made a game out of that too, limiting himself to a specific type of items, and a specific way of acquiring them. He is sure that with extra research, since he is Dworkin! Barimen! who Rewrote! The Universe! he could have enabled himself to regenerate Ki, but... lazy. And this way is more fun.

But he should have known better. Even if he is the only real thing in the shadow, and everyone else there is shadowstuff and thus not supposed to be able to really threaten him, he probably should have expected shadows of plotting and treasonous grandchildren to be capable of plotting and treason. Like getting him so drunk he can't tell poison from the taste. And putting him in a deep cave and blowing him up. Oops.

Fortunately he is the very progenitor of the Blood of Amber, so he resists a bit of it. And what he doesn't resist he can regenerate. But that takes years. And meanwhile he is stuck: Can't move means can't shadowwalk. Can't see means can't trump out. Can't get Ki means can't hammer his way out. Being an Amberite he also has to wonder if this truly was their idea or if they served as catspaws for some plot by relatives. His son Oberon thinking everything is so under control that the expert in practical cosmogenesis is superfluous? Maybe the remnants of the Barimen family back in the Courts of Chaos has dared to strike?

After twelve years or so, it is hard to keep track of time while your brain is regenerating, some treasure hunters dig out enough of the rubble that his inherent strength is enough to free him. If it was the Barimen, they would have followed up with a strike against the Court of Amber. If it was Oberon he is in the court. Back to Amber posthaste!

Amber is still standing, so it probably wasn't the Barimen. Oberon is missing, so he's still a top suspect. Eric has taken over as king, and Bleys and Corwin attacked Amber to overthrow him. What a mess. If anything the Court of Amber is even less enjoyable than before and the knives sharper and longer, so investigating anything in Amber would be a chore. Better go back to the shadow and put those two idiots through the wringer to see if it truly was their own idea.

But. After the attack Corwin was captured. And got his eyes burned out. And is chained in the dungeons of Castle Amber. Trapped in darkness. That is similar enough to Dworkins own very recent misfortune that he decides to stay for a bit to see if there is anything he can do to help. And pump him for information of course.

As suspected Corwin also got great powers of regeneration, because after a few years his eyes grow back. Maintaining plausble deniability Dworkin scratches a trump on the wall of Corwins cell. Since Corwin can see it he can escape. Unfortunately he didn't know crap about where Oberon is etc. only that there are even more of Dworkins children and grandchildren running around that other shadow Earth that he previously knew, so anyone of them could have found Dworkins shadow Earth.

After this multi-year detour back to Dworkins own shadow Earth for a vacation and some interrogations. The two idiots are obviously impressed to see him again, but there has been a surprising development: bizarro!Gerard has married a shadow-clone of Fiona. And they have a kid that for some bizarre reason switches between male and female forms. And the female form is so similar to what young Fiona looked like, that red hair is spot on, that Dworkin starts to wonder if "he" really is a shadow-clone at all.

Suddenly Fiona is the top suspect. From Corwin he heard that she has been poking around shadow Earths. Dworkin was practicing security through obscurity and trusting to the infinity of possible shadows to keep other Amberites out. But if Fiona had known about this shadow she could easily have gotten a daughter with a local 40 or so years ago. And if she was here pretending to be bizarro!Gerards mother-in-law she could easily have induced him to try to kill Dworkin. But that is a lot of extra trouble for Fiona to go through for an in to assassinate her grandfather. So why bother getting descendants here?

First order of business, test if he!Fiona actually has the blood of Amber. The fastest way is to force him, her, err whatever, to Walk the Pattern. If it works he is an Amberite. If it doesn't work he dies, and he might have been a shadow clone, or a weak Amberite, or had a bad day. However that would mean tipping Dworkins hand to Fiona (or Oberon, or the Barimen). Another possible way is to test he!Fiona to see if he is better than mortally possible, with adjustments for being a Ki user ofcourse. That will take a lot longer but it won't reveal anything to anyone. A grandmaster testing a young practitioner is just business as usual after all.

After a month it is more or less obvious that he!Fiona is an Amberite. After a few months Dworkin has to cheat using pattern sorcery and Logrus tricks to win. It also becomes clear that someone is running around the world locating exotic threats and point them in he!Fionas direction. Everything from ghost cats to tribes that might
originate in byblows from some Courts of Chaos visitor turn up looking to fight he!Fiona.

After a year he!Fiona kills a quite powerful Chaosite gone native calling itself "Saffron", and Dworkin realizes something. Fiona was always good at enthralling and magics, but never that good at physical fighting. And while the ancestors skills isn't dispositive to the skills of the descendant, they are suggestive. Someone is crafting this, not 'he!Fiona' but 'Ranma', into a living weapon. And if he is this good before the powerup an Amberite gets from Walking the Pattern, he will be really scary afterwards.

And maybe female!Ranma looks like Fiona, but that also means female!Ranma looks like a female version of Fiona's brother:

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