by Maxv (архив) » 22 Jul 2011, 16:58
Клим, не могу понять, ты где-то уже указывал, что фик получил продолжение? Хоть он тут уже третий год без обновлений, увы... Но автор жив и продолжает выдавать произведения. Одного не пойму - почему вы его Кэрротом зовёте? он теперь [url=""]ContraBardus[/url].
Нашёл у него совершенно роскошный фик по Наруто, [url=""]Kyubed:Shinobi's Revenge on Naruto[/url]. Некоторое пересечение с "Ранмой" - рояльнокустовые ниндзя эксплуатируют ки, а не чакру, при этом этом применяя вариации на тему Умисен-кена.
Чутку нудноватый фик, но [url=""]весёлый[/url], тем не менее.
[quote]His master waved his hand and settled into his seat. "Not at the moment. I'll summon you if I need anything."
Kabuto nodded. "Then I shall return to my work." He turned away.
Orochimaru stood up with a wicked looking smile on his face. "Kabuto, one more thing."
The gray haired nin paused and looked over his shoulder. "Yes?"
Orochimaru kicked him dead in his rear and sent him sprawling on the ground on his belly. "Heh."
The spy looked confused and nervous and didn't dare pick himself up. "What did I...?"
Orochimaru reached down and ripped a page off his back, letting it drop down to the ground in front of Kabuto's face. "Nothing, I just couldn't resist."
The gray haired nin looked at it in shock. He growled and narrowed his eyes as he picked up the 'Kick Me' sign and crumpled it up in his hands. "What? When did...?" He stood up and calmed as he found himself standing in the room alone as Orochimaru left him, chuckling to himself. "I see. You'll pay for that, Naruto." He tossed it into a nearby waste basket and walked out of the room to see to his duties.[/quote]