Ranma vs. The World!

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Unread postby Manfrid (архив) » 21 Jan 2005, 20:41

[url="http://www.fanfiction.net/s/257027/1/"]Ranma vs. The World[/url]

Кроссовер со Street fighter.

Ранма на арене уличных боёв был бит парнем по имени Рю. Придя в себя он ессно интересуется, а чё это была за техника? и т.к. даже Колон ничем не может помочь, то он вместе с Рёгой отправляется за ним вдогонку.

[b]Спойлер![/b] An hour later...

"You're my best pal," slurred Ryoga with tears in his eyes as he

hugged Ranma.

"Heh, thash pathet...pathetic. We beat the crap out of each others all

the time," slurred Ranma with a grin.

"But...I loves you man," said Ryoga sadly.

"Gee I loves you too," said Ranma as he began to cry as well.

"Hey, don't gets weird on me palllllllll. I'll kick your ass," said

Ryoga as he steadied himself on the bar.

Ranma snorted. "My kid could kick your ass Ryoga."

"Akane's preg...havin a kid?" said Ryoga as he seemed to clear up.

"Heh nope," said Ranma happily.

"Oh that's ok then...But my kid could beat your kids ass," said Ryoga

as he started to fall again.

"No way Ryoga, my ssson would beat the...crap out of your kiddd,"

replied Ranma.

"You sayin my kid ain't strong?" said Ryoga as he clumsily grabbed

Ranma's collar.

"No, My, my, kid...he'sss jussst stronger that your...kid." said Ranma

as he snickered and gave Ryoga a drunken punch.

"Oh, I guess that's ok then." slurred Ryoga.

"I know!! we'll have them have a man ta man fight when they grow up!"

said Ryoga happily.

"Hey, good, good, good Idea, Hey, waitaminiut, What if one of us has a

girl?" said Ranma as he perked up.

"They'll just have to get married," snorted Ryoga.

"Yeah, hey bartender. Bring me two pieces of paper and a pen OK?!"

said Ranma loudly.

<Damn Japanese tourist.> muttered the man as he complied.

"Why two?" asked Ryoga in drunken interest.

"That way we can both hava contract," said Ranma.

"Oh," said Ryoga as he signed his name to both pages.

"This way the Saotome and Hibiki schools of martial arts will be

joined," said Ranma as he wrote out the contract and snickered to


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Manfrid (архив)
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Unread postby SergeyR (архив) » 21 Jan 2005, 22:02

Несмотря на огромный спойлер, так и не понял о чем конкретно фик - о том как Ранма и Риога гонятся за тем парнем или об их детях?
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SergeyR (архив)
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Unread postby Manfrid (архив) » 21 Jan 2005, 22:36

О том как гоняются. Спойлер это просто понравившийся эпизод который произошёл, когда они с отчаянья напились. Наутро они забыли и вспомнили тока в конце. В остальное время они как положено терпеть ненавидят друг друга. А что спойлер большой, так это из-за тамошнего форматирования: строчки на по экрана и пропуски в 2 интервала.
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Manfrid (архив)
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