A Time Apart

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Unread postby chebmaster » 22 Jun 2008, 13:14

Где-то тут мелькала бета-версия, но вышедшая на фф.нет окончательная - во первых, полнее, а во вторых, к ней привинчена хорошая, внятная завязка. Помимо прочего, замечательное описание поединка Сецуны с Ранмой, я таких нигде больше не встречал...

Но, к нашим баранам. Сецуне в третий раз пришлось остановить время. Расплата за это - смерть в жерновах квантовой механики, с последующей реинкарнацией. Но что, если враг нападёт пока она не готова?.. И Сецуна изобрела метод - абсолютно надёжный и гарантированный - как избежать неизбежного, и остаться в живых. Ну, и - правильно говорят, не доставайте судьбу, а то так раком поставит, что мало не покажется. И выжившая Сецуна обнаружила себя [spoiler] в мире, где Сэнси не реинкарнировали, у Серенити просто не хватило на это сил после убиения Берил. И Сецуне теперь противостоять всем грядущим врагам в одиночку.[/spoiler] Но она не унывала, а решила запрячь нашего косичконосца.
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Unread postby Dargor (архив) » 22 Jun 2008, 20:06

Ай-яй-яй, а [url="http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4339125/1/A_Time_Apart"]ссылка[/url]?

Хотя за информацию про то, что Оззалос эту историю уже выкладывает на фуфунет- огромное тебе, Чеб, человеческое "спасибо"! :vanna:
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Unread postby Climhazard » 22 Jun 2008, 21:44

Неплохо, хотя кое какие вещи заставили покривиться. Ну нет Сетсуне 20к лет!
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
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Unread postby chebmaster » 22 Jun 2008, 22:51

[quote]Ай-яй-яй, а ссылка?[/quote]


[quote]Ну нет Сетсуне 20к лет![/quote]

Она замечательный персонаж (анимэ-версия) в том, что её можно интерпретировать как заблагорассудится.

По моему, вполне себе ничего вариант.

З.Ы. Кстати, у фуфунет расклинило уведомлятор, мне снова начали приходить письма с сообщениями о главах и авторах, на которых я подписывался. Вероятно, связано с тем, что я обновил один из своих фиков. На их месте я бы тоже "мёртвым душам" переставал сообщения рассылать, чтобы не регистрировались зря.
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Unread postby Climhazard » 22 Jun 2008, 22:58

[quote]По моему, вполне себе ничего вариант.[/quote]

Может быть вариант и ничего, но меня он достал хуже парненой репы... Что ни фик, то этот самый вариант.

Ну и ее коннект к Вратам Времени во время боя. Как у нее крыша не съехала?
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
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Unread postby chebmaster » 23 Jun 2008, 02:30

[quote]Что ни фик, то этот самый вариант.[/quote]

Ну, лошадь может и заезженная, но этот фик отличный. От других.
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Unread postby Climhazard » 23 Jun 2008, 02:54

Посмотрим. Надеюсь Озаллос не пойдет на поводу у некоторых и не станет вставлять Акиху Тоно, потому как она за собой потянет Насуверсум. А товарищи типа Примат Мурдер и ТИП-Меркурий в фике явно не нужны... Им вполне и Берил с Металией хватит.
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
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Unread postby Ozzallos (архив) » 07 Dec 2008, 22:18

Я хотел бы перевести эту лучше, если бы я мог, но, к сожалению, я не могу. Получать удовольствие!

That probably comes through as "Yellow steel trucks! Tasty! Malicious!"

Sorry, did my best! I'll be releasing the rest before the end of the year.


"Come on, mom, I don't see why—!"

"Nonsense, Ranma," Genma Saotome watched from the couch as his wife fussed over their only child, tugging at the teen's dress shirt collar to pull out a wrinkle. "No son of mine will attend an appointment to our country's most prestigious university in martial arts silks. Now hold still."


The martial artists protest went unheard and genma rolled his eyes, adjusting his glasses. He recognized futility when he saw it and his sons aversion to the black dress pants and white dress shirt he now wore were largely ineffectual, especially in the face of Nodoka's mothering.

Even so it was still quite a shock, and the full scholarship to Tokyo University was actually the least of it. Looming large in Genma's brain was the fight and the woman of its focus. She was a master, that much was clear. Anybody who could force his boy into the higher techniques was at least that, and normally those that could were five times older, at least.

This one had been in here early twenties.

She'll be a problem, Genma sighed to himself, continuing to watch his wife pick over Ranma, ensuring an immaculate appearance. Teacher or not, she was good, and anybody that good wouldn't go unnoticed by the boy. Or vice versa, he amended with a frown. His son had obviously inherited his luck with women and the balding martial artist was all but certain that the teacher would somehow become ensnared much like the others. Unlike the others, this one was dangerous.

"Are we done yet--?"

"Hold still while I pluck this thread..."

For better or worse, Genma Saotome had devoted a lot of time and energy to ranma's fiancée problem, specifically in keeping his son's focus on Akane. That had included a tactical breakdown of all the threats to his pact with Soun. Shampoo, for instance, had raw sex appeal and was decent at martial arts. Normally he would worry more about the girl, but the Amazon's were fortunately too manipulative for their own good. Ukyo, on the other hand, wasn't quite as good, but she was at least competent, and had that 'girl next door' quality to her. she was also smarter than her rivals, attempting many of her machinations from behind the scenes instead of alienating Ranma outright. Like shampoo, however, she suffered critically by being Ranma's childhood friend. It wasn't likely that status would change soon without time and space, two things Genma wasn't about to afford the girl.

This new woman, however... She was an excellent martial artist, something that the boy could respect. She was stunningly attractive, sure to turn his head sooner or later. Being a teacher, she was presumably smart enough. And once the Saotome charm takes hold...

In short, she was a problem.

Especially with her potential full time access to the boy on campus, Genma frowned, his thoughts turning grim. And once Nodoka realized all of this, he'd stand a better chance of lighting a fire in a snow storm than keeping Ranma focused on Akane.

Dammit, Soun... why didn't you hold up your end? The answer was obvious, of course and he really couldn't blame the man, but it made the job exponentially harder. An Akane with a competent martial arts background would stand out to Ranma. he'd seen Soun's art back in the day. It was something the boy could respect, while the focus required would likely calm the girl down as well... Probably help her in the more mundane arts as well, such as sewing and cooking.

Genma shivered at the latter.

At very least, a solid martial arts grounding would help her appreciate the skill Ranma possessed and the sacrifices required to obtain that skill. He was willing to admit that Akane was a largely well meaning and easy on the eyes, but so was her competition, and they were better in every other area he cared to think about.

"The tie too," Genma chuckled to himself as Nodoka proffered his son the strip of fabric, prompting Ranma to adopt a thoroughly defeated posture. Get used to it, boy, Genma smirked before turning back to the matter at hand.

It was possible he was being overly paranoid. There was an age difference to consider, after all, but he knew the boy's luck all too well. The Saotome patriarch chewed his lip with the dilemma. what would he do if this teacher became enamored with his son like so many other women? The frown returned.

Drastic measures would be in order.

Suite 1304... suite 1305.... Ranma Saotome continued to idly scan the hall he was walking through, noting the numbered plastic placards and the titles beneath them. They all held some pretentious title below the reflective golden number, such as attorney at law or chief executive officer. Every once in a while he would pass a similarly dressed salary man or some smartly dressed secretary as he transverse the maroon carpeted hallway, reminding him of just why he didn't want to be there in the first place.

Sure, it was a full scholarship to Tokyo University and that was generally considered a good thing, but then he was reminded just where scholarships ultimately led... Corporate purgatory. Ranma paused at a window, looking down at the streets of downtown Tokyo and the bustle of vehicular traffic. Meh, he decided, continuing onto his appointed rounds. let the suits have the city. He was a martial artist with better things to do. Still, he sighed. Gotta make mom happy, I guess.

1311... Minumoto laboratories.... 1312... Accounts Receivable... 1313...

1313? Ranma paused, noting the complete lack of any pretentious title beneath the placard. The pigtailed boy dug the business card out of his pant pocket just to make sure that the plain brown door he was standing in front of was, indeed, the right place. The fact was confirmed quickly and he pocketed the card with a shrug. Might as well get this over with...

The Saotome twisted the handle and pushed open the door to reveal. Nothing. The room was pitch black, so much so that he couldn't even—Ranma noticed a tug at his shirt; a light breeze.

"What the—" The air suddenly gained density around him and Ranma recognized it as a pressure differential but had next to no time to act on the tidbit of martial arts insight. His hands snapped out for the doorway frame in a desperate grab for an anchor, but the vacuum had been too sudden and his surprise too complete. The martial artist's fingers managed to touch the frame, but it wasn't nearly enough.


Ranma fell, or was sucked through the door, suddenly he wasn't sure which, and he watched as it quickly dwindle into a tiny rectangle, the sole source of light in the void he now raced through. He managed to twist around through the momentum and found a speck of light in the opposite direction; the direction he was now heading at high speeds. All sorts of panic thoughts were rolling around through the pigtailed boys head as the pinpoint of light grew with proximity with no way to decrease his velocity.

Bright light, bright light... His mind raced to determine what, exactly the bright light was. It now took up a full forth of the void and Ranma wasn't liking the answers he was coming up with. Bright light... Could be just a light... Or a high energy source... God's Moko Takabisha... Shitshitshitshitshit...

Too late. The nova swallowed Ranma Saotome whole obliterated his senses one moment and causing him to puke the next. Or at least he tried to puke. Either way, it compared to a double helping of Akane's cooking and he desperately wanted it to—


Ranma's eyes snapped open and found himself standing, while a quick check of his person ensured his body whole and intact. He immediately frowned, taking stock of his surroundings. Black. A void as far as the eye could see. Great. Just great.

"Welcome Mister Saotome," Ranma whirled around to the girl's voice at his back and found... A girl. she was dressed in a weird school girl's outfit, sporting silver hair tied up into two odango streamers. Beyond her some three hundred meters away stood...doors? Blue gray eyes smiled at him, interrupting his thoughts. "Please follow me."

"Uh, sure," Ranma acquiesced, seeing little choice in the matter. It was either follow, or stand out in the void without any answers. The martial artist loosened the bothersome tie around his neck and unbuttoned the collar as the girl started along with a bit humming, leading the way to the only destination in sight. "Where are we, exactly?"

The humming paused and the girl turned back to him with that same smile as they walked. "You are at the Time Gates, a lagrange point between Pluto and Charon."

Ranma was none the wiser for his question, recognizing the words "time gates" and "Pluto", but little else. Pluto is a planet and time gates... well, I dunno what the hell those are... Gates... of Time?

"Okay, so what am I doing here?"

The girl didn't even turn back this time. "Guardian Pluto is expecting you."

Riiiight... he didn't know any Guardian Pluto and he was pretty sure they weren't talking about the planet anymore. That, and he was relatively sure the girl wasn't real since she didn't register on anything he could sense. No ki, no power, no nothing...

Either way, answers were sure to be forthcoming as the gates now loomed large above him. He couldn't help but to marvel at them for a moment as he took in the rich, carved detail. the structure itself appeared to be a massive frame housing the doors themselves, while each door was intricately carved, sectioned off into six scenes depicting both ritual and battle. Nor was it just the craftsmanship that was awing. he could literally feel power vibrate off of them, assuring him that whatever these gates actually did, they weren't something to by toyed with.

Gates... of Time?


"You approve?" Ranma blinked away from the gates, finding a green haired woman walking around from the reverse side with an enigmatic smile. "Welcome to the Time Gates, Saotome-san."

It was all Ranma could do not to stare. there was no mistaking the woman he had fought; the very same that had offered him a scholarship. Only now she was dressed in a form fitting white top, loose black fuku skirt and knee high boots while her right hand tipped a long heart tipped staff across her shoulder. All in all, he had to admit, the look suited her quite well. Regardless, there was only one conclusion he could possibly derive from the entire situation.

"I'm guessin' there's no scholarship," He hazarded, earning a slightly more mischievous smile from the woman.

"There is, but more for the benefit of anybody caring to investigate such matters," Setsuna nodded, walking up beside the girl that had escorted him to the foot of the gates. "Suffice to say, our business lies elsewhere."

"And what business is that?"

The woman smiled enigmatically. "Why, saving the world, of course."

The martial artist crooked an eyebrow. Saving the world? Of course it was all complete and utter bullshit, and to his knowledge the world wasn't in any dire need of saving, but he liked her flare for the dramatic nonetheless. "Demons, aliens, spirits... that sort of thing?"

"Exactly." Setsuna nodded, completely serious now.

Ranma looked down the pleasantly smiling girl, then back to the woman. "And the bit about being a teacher?"

"I've been many things in my time," She returned cryptically, continuing. "That, however, is not my current occupation."

"So who are you really, then?"

"Perhaps a second introduction is in order," She replied, dipping into a slight bow. "I am Setsuna Meiou, The last princess of Pluto and Guardian of the late Queen serenity the eighteenth."

"Mmmhmmm," Ranma nodded, as if it were a given. "Look, I really gotta go, so if you could point to the way out of here..."

The martial artist turned to the void at large, scrutinizing for an exit while the woman smiled graciously. "Of course, where are my manners? Gate, open the veil."

The small girl nodded and Ranma watched as the absolute darkness began to evaporate, replaced by... stars... Ranma blinked as his eyes adjusted to the millions of pin pricks of light surrounding him, then nearly staggered as they caught the dimly lit, swirling brown orb to his right. He fixated on the celestial body for the better half of a minute before find a smaller orb floating out to his left. Unlike the first, it was a dim blue gray. Ranma's head swung from one to the other and back, trying to resolve what he was seeing.

"Earth is five point eight billion kilometers in that direction," Setsuna pointed nonchalantly, drawing Ranma's attention to a small spotlight hanging just to the left of the gates. "It's a bit of a walk, so you might want to get started."

"Uh..." Ranma looked back at the two planets hanging off to the right and left, to the gates then Setsuna herself. "Saving the world?"

"Saving the world," The guardian confirmed, any trace of humor gone now. only resolute firmness shown on her face. "Earth is in for a hard time at the hands of some of the most cruel beings imaginable. At best, they intend to enslave every last man, woman and child on the face of the planet. At worst..." At worst was left unsaid, but Ranma got the gist quite clearly. "Normally I would utilize the assistance of more guardians such as myself, but they... they're all gone."

Gone. Ranma noticed the hesitation associated with the words, all but assuring him that her comrades had fallen, most likely in the same battle she was inviting him to. The martial artist stared out into the stars. Is that Orion? his eyes picked along the pattern, confirming the offhand observation. The Big Dipper... Pisces... Ranma turned back to the woman, studying her patient demeanor carefully.

It was quite possibly the easiest decision of his life, assuming he could trust the woman. A martial artist's duty was to protect the innocent and weak, whether it be from the neighborhood bully or spoiled Phoenix kings. Demons, aliens and spirits were just another variation on the theme when it came right down to it. Hell, I'm already two of three on that score, Ranma snorted quietly to himself.

The woman herself... This teacher... she was powerful, that much was certain. And holding back without a doubt, he had since decided, reviewing the fight. regardless, she hadn't killed anybody and even stopped the fight before it got too destructive. Even the reason behind the bogus story was obvious in retrospect. Ranma looked back to the giant gate looming above him and the planet drifting behind its frame. I wouldn't have believed any of this either.

The stars? They certainly looked real. After all that time with his old man training, he could damn near navigate by them, thought he couldn't give heads or tails on what Pluto looked like, let alone Charon. Didn't even know there was a Charon... Ranma's eyes turned to the gates. Those were real. Not only were they real, they were vibrating with tangible power. What do time gates do, anyway? Then there was the non-existant little girl there...

"Not sayin' that I believe any of this," The teen remarked casually, prompting the woman to smile.

"Of course not," she returned easily. "Frankly, I'm surprised you're taking it as well as you have so far. I am prepared to offer further proof, of course. Gate?"

The girl nodded with her words and the Time Gate's massive double doors began to swing open, revealing a shimmering, watery surface that rippled across the exposed threshold. Ranma's eyes widened as the ambient power that he had felt since his arrival spiked abruptly, matching the waves that reflected along the distorted liquid blue surface. There really was only one thing on his mind now.

"What the hell is that?"

"That," Setsuna stressed, motioning to the open gate. "Is a window into the past. All the proof you need is through that portal."

Ranma Saotome stepped up to the shimmering wall of power warily, studying its movement. After a full minute of staring, he turned back to the Guardian herself. "Through there?" Setsuna simply nodded. "You gotta be kidding."

"I assure you its quite safe," she explained, stepping up next to him and giving the surface an experimental poke. the liquid surface adhered to her finger for a moment before begin withdrawn whole and intact. Ranma watched the ripples its touch incited reflect across the threshold. "This is an event horizon that branches into a self contained temporal bubble. Effectively, you can look, but not touch events in the past as to not instigate a terminal causality loop."

"Uh, right," The martial artist mumbled, poking at the event horizon himself. Like his host, Ranma was able to withdraw his finger back with no detrimental effects. He turned to the woman beside him, shaking his head. "Look, I appreciate the offer, but I think—"

Setsuna proffered him an understanding smile, patting his shoulder. The patting suddenly turned into a vice grip. "I'm sorry, but I must insist."

"What? Hey! WHAAAA!!"

The guardian of Pluto shoved the flailing boy through the threshold, causing it to ripple wildly as fell through with neither warning or leverage to right himself. the shimmering blue liquid seemed to melt along his body until the event horizon swallowed up, his desperately clawing hand being the last thing to disappear.
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Unread postby chebmaster » 09 Dec 2008, 07:24

Oh my :break:

At last someone is direct in their approach, without the traditional beating around the bush until it's surrounded by a beaten path.

I wonder what brilliant plan Genma will come with :kavai:

[quote]Я хотел бы перевести эту лучше, если бы я мог, но, к сожалению, я не могу. Получать удовольствие!

That probably comes through as "Yellow steel trucks! Tasty! Malicious!"[/quote]Not at all :beer: Just a bit rough at the edges.
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Unread postby Sim-Sim (архив) » 27 Mar 2009, 23:57

Если кто давно не был на The Fanfiction Forum - Озаллос активно пишет третью главу. Вроде ничего, до уж больно медленно. Выясняется, что этот фик - кросс с "Гарри Поттером".
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Unread postby Climhazard » 28 Mar 2009, 09:19

[quote]Выясняется, что этот фик - кросс с "Гарри Поттером".[/quote]

Так об этом в самом начале разговор шел.
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
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Unread postby chebmaster » 28 Mar 2009, 18:44

Ой, фуууу :crying:
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Unread postby chebmaster » 01 Aug 2009, 13:23

Третяя глава, вот она :magic:


[spoiler]"Soul Shard XXI... Sealed." The staff reported in a vaguely feminine voice, and the keyed teeth along its length rotated back into position, snapping flush with the silver shaft as the heart tip locked back in to complete itself.

The trio gathered around the shard and Setsuna picked gem up, holding it to catch whatever meager light was able to penetrate the fog around them. She tipped the staff back over her shoulder in satisfaction. "And that's how we dealt with Dementors in the Silver Millennium."[/spoiler]

Кстати, если Ранма имеет титул Guardian, и Плуто - тоже Guardian, то Ранма что теперь Сэнси?

Только сейчас до мен ядошло.
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Unread postby Climhazard » 01 Aug 2009, 22:30

[spoiler]"Soul Shard XXI... Sealed."[/spoiler]

И опять бедная Наноха под руку попалась. Для тех кто не курсе о чем я, посмотрите [b]Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha[/b]. Большую часть технологий, что Озаллос дает в своих фиках Лунному Королевству, взято оттуда. Плюс чутка из [b]Halo[/b].

[quote]Кстати, если Ранма имеет титул Guardian, и Плуто - тоже Guardian, то Ранма что теперь Сэнси?[/quote]

А там разве не по другому? ЕМНИП Сетсуна Хранитель Врат Времени, в то время как Ранма - Guardian of the Realm. Фактически первый человек после королевы.
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
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Unread postby Maxv (архив) » 05 Sep 2009, 11:25

[quote]И опять бедная Наноха под руку попалась. Для тех кто не курсе о чем я, посмотрите Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Большую часть технологий, что Озаллос дает в своих фиках Лунному Королевству, взято оттуда. Плюс чутка из Halo.[/quote]

Клим, ИМХО, первоисточником является "ИнуЯша". Первое, что в голову пришло, как наткнулся на "Soul Shard" - почти прямая калька с "Шикон-но-Какера".
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Unread postby Climhazard » 05 Sep 2009, 12:03

[quote]Клим, ИМХО, первоисточником является "ИнуЯша". Первое, что в голову пришло, как наткнулся на "Soul Shard" - почти прямая калька с "Шикон-но-Какера".[/quote]

Процесс запечатывания Soul Shard'а списан с Нанохи, функции посоха Плуто - калька с Intelligent Device опять же из Нанохи.
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
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Unread postby Climhazard » 05 Sep 2009, 17:21

Или более наглядно.

Читаем это,

[spoiler][quote]"Garnet Rod, Set Up!"

"Stand by, Ready. Setup." Her stave intoned and the heart tip suddenly parted with the command, breaking away down the center and extending out to form a inward curved 'V'. The moko takabisha detonated several seconds ahead of her assault, but it was all the time she needed as the crystal orb within the now broken heart pulsed bright pink, and she fed in the next command sequence. "Shard Seal!"

"Sealing mode, set up," It acknowledged vocally as the script from an eons dead language flowed across the orb. The shaft of her key sprang to life as she took the final leap through the blast wave of condensed air and ki, while the shaft itself unfolded into a series of notched keys that rotated out and locked into position. By the time the Dementor was able to perceive the new threat, it was far too late and watched in its own version of horror as The Princess of Pluto descended through the wave of pressure and plunged the radiant orb directly into its chest. The creature hissed agony with the impalement and Setsuna smiled grimly as she uttered the final command to her weapon.

"Garnet Rod... SEAL!"

The raging Dementor suddenly stiffened, its form arching as if it had suddenly been subjected to a few thousand volts of power. In reality, it wasn't far from the truth as rays of pink energy pierced the creature's shadowy veil, exploding outward brilliantly. Ranma and Konatsu watched from outside melee range as the Guardian of Pluto struggled with the staff as it bucked in hand, a quarter of its length imbedded in thrashing creature that was rapidly losing its own mass to the smoldering pink orb in its chest. It hissed, it screamed, and then it began to implode upon itself. The bony hand that had been attempting to unsuccessfully grasp the shaft of Pluto's weapon abruptly buckled, coinciding with the collapse of what should have been its shoulder. Both disappeared into what was rapidly becoming a whirlpool of shadow and the Dementor continued to lose density. Fifteen seconds in found the wraith to be a struggling ball of shadow, one arm desperately clinging to the outside world while the rest of it had been emulsified into a cloud of darkness from which a grotesque shadow rotten face would occasionally struggle upward, before being sucked back into the garnet gem's clouded event horizon.

The face surfaced for the last time, hissing defiance before being consumed entirely, the arm flaying wildly before becoming completely involved itself. The staff ceased its bucking and all three watched the cloud of shadows coalesce along the orbs foremost point and form into a faceted pink gem, its shaft no larger than that of a hand's span. The gem solidified, pulsed pink, then fell to the battle damaged train roof with a slight 'tink!'

"Soul Shard XXI... Sealed." The staff reported in a vaguely feminine voice, and the keyed teeth along its length rotated back into position, snapping flush with the silver shaft as the heart tip locked back in to complete itself.

The trio gathered around the shard and Setsuna picked gem up, holding it to catch whatever meager light was able to penetrate the fog around them. She tipped the staff back over her shoulder in satisfaction. "And that's how we dealt with Dementors in the Silver Millennium."[/quote][/spoiler]

потом смотрим вот [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CELoz0YXSg"]это[/url]. О каком там Ину-Яше у нас речь идет?
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
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Unread postby Maxv (архив) » 05 Sep 2009, 19:04

Сам термин "Осколок Душ". А также концепция запечатывания злых духов в камнях, причём круглых. Не то, что бы каждая из них была оригинальной... Но вместе ассоциации вызывает.
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Unread postby Climhazard » 05 Sep 2009, 19:18

[quote]Сам термин "Осколок Душ".[/quote]

Ну если только это. Все остальное, как видиш, имеет нескольок другой источник. Ну он это не в первый раз уже делает. В принципе, даже и не отрицает окуда некоторые идеи брал.
Солнцеликий Ктулху. Сертифицированный ниндзя-редактор.
Когда тентакледемоны ложатся спать, они проверют - нет ли под кроватью Молестии.
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Re: A Time Apart

Unread postby chebmaster » 05 Dec 2020, 05:32

В лесу сдохла целая годзилла, не иначе.
Внезапно! - четвёртая глава: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4339125/4/A-Time-Apart
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