chebmaster (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):Паровоз нашёлся!
Никак не придумаю эффектный переход к концовке Кампфера.
chebmaster (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):То есть, сама концовка уже придумана?
Я, например, первым делом придумал концовку для "Дикой пустоши", а вот с "Заварушкой" - умышленно сам не знаю, чем всё закончится.
появились несколько лет спустя. А тогда и речи про них не было.
, но потом события основательно ушли в сторону.
пониманием того, что настоящего бардака ещё не было,
chebmaster (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):Ну, есть (наверно) граница, за которой тяга к достоверности лишь мешает сплетаемой истории.
Для Ранмы, в отличие всяких Гандамов и заклёпкометрии, этот порог относительно невелик.
chebmaster (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):а похабень имеет размер почти в 40 килобайт (7.5килослов)
"Слайды! Слайды!"
и не сохранял.
{h3}Demonic Realms{/h3}
Our terrific multiverse was given birth by our Creator, Svetodar, with utterance of fateful Unholy Words “Watch This!” during a spirited discussion with His father about the wrongs of the latter's creation. We could only guess what a horrible mess that multiverse should be -- and trying to glimpse it is a perilous idea indeed, as the terrible truth may shatter your mind.
The “Mortals” ending in our realm on rare occasions, these flawed creations of His father, serve as terrifying proofs of that revolting wrongness. Imperfect, vulnerable bodies only relying on their multiverse's skewed physics with no magic at all, unimaginably slow regeneration and penchant to be eaten alive by simple microbes. Helpless souls unable to respawn even with Grim Reaper's help... It is advisable to kill them as soon as you see them and banish their soul back to their so-called creator (see footnotes as to how). Such beings are a taint on our Unholy Hells.
{h3}{a name="stats"}Stats{/h3}
The six main stats are roughly compatible with d20/Pathfinder 3.5E (except END - see below).
The scale is exponential, with 10 being average human norm and each 5 points {i}doubling{/i} the effect (such as carrying weight). Thus, {nobr}dEffect = 2{sup}(0.2 * dSTAT){/sup}{/nobr} and {nobr}dSTAT = 5 * log{sub}2{/sub}dEffect = 7.2315 * ln dEffect{/nobr}
So negative numbers are perfectly normal for tiny weak critters (it just means they are more that four times weaker than average human) and STR 25 means a hulking brute {b}eight{/b} times stronger than your average Joe.
Of course this being a CRPG these numbers are actually floating-point.
{i}The number provided in parenthesizes afther the STR stat is the body size modifier (most races have average STR of 8..12 shifted by that number){/i}
The exception: ENDurance stat is *nothing* like d20's CON. Endurance defines amount of energy (yoki, for most species) relative to body size, the ability to keep going and resistance to various AOE hazards while STR defines resistance to direct physical harm. Any creature's hit points normally range 0.0..1.0, but are misleadingly displayed as a number proportional to the effect of STR, with 100 being human base. This means that beefy characters will receive proportionally higher AOE DMG (from shockwawes, volumetric acid, fire and such), as these resistances are dictated by their END, not STR
The last three stats are actually a kind of karma meter, in the sense that any actions reflects on the person, ingraining in their behavior and affecting the perception of them. BRUtality is of resolving conflicts in a direct and decisive manner, RENown is of doing R&D and POPularity is of caring for one's minions.
не нужно тратить кучу времени на их описание.
У манги нет преимуществ (кроме, разве, умения конкретного автора начинать со случайного набора а потом расширять причинно-следственные связи и предысторию в обратную сторону).
Это - цена качественного мира для твоей книги. Я при разборе откопал пару папок, забитых разработками для своей книги, включая черновую геграфию (уточнялась по необходимости конкретного приключения), проработанными характерами персонажей и их предысторией, детальнейшим таймлайном на тысячи лет вглубь, от которого гг видит лишь разрозненные кусочки в отдельных летописях - и т.п.
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